All tagged highly sensitive person

Slow Transitions and Mourning the Places You Knew Best

Transitions take longer when you’re a highly sensitive person born with a brain that’s wired with an automatic break to pause and reflect before you move from one thing to the next. There could be other contributing factors such as anxiety, ADHD, or illness, but those little urges to pause to think through a decision or to assess a scene before you step into the crowd, that’s your “behavioral inhibition system” in action. 

Why Highly Sensitive People Experience Nostalgia More Often

A highly sensitive person has more activity in parts of the brain that contribute to feelings of nostalgia. HSPs have a deep emotional connection to their memories and because we process information and experiences deeply, memories are more vivid and easier to recall. When you notice more subtle details, you’re able to pull up specific memories and the emotions that go along with them quickly.

Overthinking: The Burdens and Hidden Benefits for HSPs

Can’t fall asleep at night, finish tasks on time, or make decisions because your mind is too busy, spinning, and anxious.  Overthinking can feel like torture and is most common for highly sensitive people when you’re not living in alignment with your sensitive needs.  As an HSP, your brain is wired to pause and reflect.  Although annoying or frustrating at times, there are amazing benefits   

Feeling Stuck In Your Big Emotions as a Highly Sensitive Person? Here’s Why

Highly sensitive folks feel everything deeply and have emotions that seem bigger than the moment.  Maybe you’ve been called dramatic, thought you were “too much”, or been accused of overreacting as a result.  Learn about my experience of having a big emotional response and my process of realizing I wasn’t overreacting, just having a typical human/HSP experience.

The Reason Why You Get Stuck + Procrastinate as an HSP

Whether you’re getting started or wrapping up an activity, you may notice that you feel stuck or frozen. You may also struggle with procrastination and motivation. Whether you’re getting out of bed in the mornings, trying to leave work for the day, or starting a new book, you may find yourself struggling with these changes on a subtle or more obvious level. Each time a highly sensitive person goes through a transition, your brain wants to pause and reflect on what’s about to happen. There’s nothing wrong with you!