The Reason Why You Get Stuck + Procrastinate as an HSP

Whether you’re getting started or wrapping up an activity, you may notice that you feel stuck or frozen. You may also struggle with procrastination and motivation. Whether you’re getting out of bed in the mornings, trying to leave work for the day, or starting a new book, you may find yourself struggling with these changes on a subtle or more obvious level. Each time a highly sensitive person goes through a transition, your brain wants to pause and reflect on what’s about to happen. There’s nothing wrong with you!

How Much Time Hibernating in Bed is Too Much?

What if you could do less and honor your needs to recharge more as a highly sensitive person? The best part is that it only takes a little something for a highly sensitive person to fill up with the same amount of joy as a non-HSP. Being so highly perceptive and a big feeler, you not only notice the little things around you, but you get to deeply experience them. It’s okay to listen inward and hibernate in bed when you need to.