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April Snow, LMFT

Helping Highly Sensitive Introverts and Therapists create a life outside the box that allows them to embrace their Sensitive Strengths.

10 Signs You Might Be Highly Sensitive

10 Signs You Might Be Highly Sensitive

Have you always felt a bit different?  You seem to notice every little detail around you such as when someone is feeling a certain way, even if you don’t know them.  Although you may not always show it, you have big feelings and complex reactions to what’s happening around you.  Your mind is always working to process something, at times keeping you up at night - wondering or worrying.  After work or socializing you need lots of time to wind down.    

Maybe you never realized this isn’t how everyone experiences the world because it’s the only way of being that you’ve ever known.   

If you resonate with any of the above, there’s a chance you could be a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), a trait found in 20% of the population and in over 100 species.  Below are 10 common HSP experiences.  How many do you relate to?

#1 You Might Be Highly Sensitive if...

It takes you five minutes and multiple revisions to write a two sentence email.

Highly Sensitive People have brains that process things at length therefore quickly typing and sending an email just doesn’t work for us!  You need time to reflect on what you said and imagine how it will be received.

#2 You Might Be Highly Sensitive if...

You’ve ever had a screen time out on you while thinking through every implication of a ticket purchase.

Highly Sensitive People need more time to think through and make decisions.  We’re wired to pause, reflect, and make a good decision the first time around. This might slow you down, but makes for better decision making!

#3 You Might Be Highly Sensitive if...

You need hours to wind down from a short phone call or meeting.

Highly Sensitive People notice a lot of subtle details, nuances, non-verbal body language, and process everything at length.  Any type of interaction, however short, can leave you with a lot of thoughts and feelings to sift through. You might also feel overstimulated by the whole experience and need time to decompress after. This is why it’s important to have downtime every day and little breaks in between work meetings or social events.

#4 You Might Be Highly Sensitive if...

You appear calm on the outside, but inside there’s a big storm of thoughts and emotions.

Highly Sensitive People are complex thinkers and big feelers. An HSP brain has more activity in the parts that deal with emotions, perception, empathy, and processing.  Even when you’re still and appear calm, there’s A LOT going on inside.

#5 You Might Be Highly Sensitive if...

You know exactly what someone is thinking, feeling, or needing without them having to say anything.

Highly Sensitive People are naturally more perceptive and aware of subtleties which makes you great at reading body language, picking up nonverbal cues, or sensing emotions in others. 

#6 You Might Be Highly Sensitive if...

You’re the last person to leave work at the end of the day because you want to make sure everything is done well, but you actually want to be the first to go home because you need more downtime.

Highly Sensitive People tend to be more conscientious and invested at work, even when it cuts into self-care.

#7 You Might Be Highly Sensitive if...

You stay up late or get up early just to get quiet downtime for yourself.

Highly Sensitive People, whether Introverted or Extroverted, take a lot in and need time to process their thoughts and emotions.  Sometimes the only way to do this is to wait until everyone is asleep or get up before the rest of the family (or your roommates). 

#8 You Might Be Highly Sensitive if...

You watch TV shows or movies from the 90s or before because it’s less overstimulating...

Highly Sensitive People are more aware of flashing lights and loud noises which are so common now and can easily feel overstimulated.

#9 You Might Be Highly Sensitive if...

You feel guilty for accidentally getting into the express checkout lane at the grocery store with more than “10 items or less”.

Highly Sensitive People are very conscientious and usually like to follow the rules.

It’s easy to sense the impact of your actions on others and empathize deeply, even if you don’t know the people you’re effecting. 

#10 You Might Be Highly Sensitive if...

You get “stuck” in bed in the mornings because you need more time to transition into your day.

Highly Sensitive People are wired to pause and reflect, to slowly ease into activities.  Jumping right out of bed as soon as the alarm goes off is a shock to your nervous system!  If possible, give yourself extra time in bed in the mornings to linger, reflect, and prepare to get up!

Discover More about Being a Highly Sensitive Person

For more information about the Highly Sensitive trait, visit my “Am I Highly Sensitive?” resource page. There you’ll find an explanation on the four core characteristics of the trait, common misperceptions, and facts to help you understand more about being born as a Highly Sensitive Person.

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How to Access Your Sensitive Strengths

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