All tagged overwhelmed

What Is Your Anger Telling You?

Have you ever felt so angry that you wanted to scream or break something?  Instead of being curious about where anger is coming from, HSPs often push away intense feelings of anger out of guilt or worry that they need to be kind and gentle.  Anger is an important messenger and often shows up when we’re overstimulated, there’s an injustice, or boundaries are broken. 

What Job is Best for a Highly Sensitive Person?

Sensitive folks are constantly seeking a way to make work more manageable and meaningful without all the overwhelm and burnout that is common for HSPs.  Work tends to be something to survive, instead of enjoy.  Choosing a career is subjective, so it really depends on who you work with, the values of the company, the environment, how meaningful and interesting the work is to you, and your ability to maintain a work-life balance.           

Overthinking: The Burdens and Hidden Benefits for HSPs

Can’t fall asleep at night, finish tasks on time, or make decisions because your mind is too busy, spinning, and anxious.  Overthinking can feel like torture and is most common for highly sensitive people when you’re not living in alignment with your sensitive needs.  As an HSP, your brain is wired to pause and reflect.  Although annoying or frustrating at times, there are amazing benefits